Collaborative Research Grants for Postdocs
The Department of Mathematics will support grants to encourage research collaborations between postdocs. It is expected that this program, which was started in Spring 2020, will promote peer-to-peer research interactions within the postdoc group and provide an additional path towards research independence for postdocs, thereby leading to an increase in the number of research applications they submit to external funding agencies. In the long run, this program may serve as a model to promote interdisciplinary collaborations between postdoctoral researchers in the Department of Mathematics and peers in other departments on campus.
Up to 4 grants of $2K each. Senior-junior postdoc teams are encouraged but not required. If the award is used as a stipend for the PIs, ERE costs will be covered by the department. Other uses of the funds include equipment, books, travel, stipends for undergraduate students, and publication costs. If funding is available, additional amounts may be awarded to successful proposals.
Applications deadline: May 15 of every year, with decisions by June 1st.
Submissions: Applications should be submitted by email to
Application materials
A 2-page self-contained research proposal (1 inch margins, single spaced, 11 pt font or larger, no external links). The 2 pages limit includes references, but you may point to publications already listed in the CV to save space).
CVs in NSF-Biosketch format for each of the PIs. Please follow NSF guidelines as described in the current PAPPG. An example is available online..
The proposal should describe the research project (background, need or significance, and proposed approach) and how the PIs will work together. It should also address the following points: (i) what expertise each PI will bring to the project; (ii) why such a collaboration is likely to foster innovative research; (iii) how the collaboration will increase chances of success on future external funding applications. Timelines are encouraged but not required.
Evaluation of proposals
The Postdoctoral Committee will review all of the applications and may consult with departmental faculty to assess the quality of the proposed research.
Successful applicants are expected to submit a short report to the Postdoctoral Committee by the end of the calendar year, and to present their results in the Tuesday Postdoc Seminar. The report should summarize the team’s progress and list any publications/preprints, presentations, or upcoming grant applications.
Additional information and questions
If needed, we will hold an informational meeting as part of the Postdoc Seminar before proposals are due. Additional questions may be sent to