

  1. K. Hamm, Stability of Sampling for CUR Decomposition, Foundations of Data Science (submitted).

  2. V. Huroyan, M. Hossain, S. Kombourov, R. Navarrete, Multi-Perspective, Simultaneous Embedding, arXiv:1909.06485v2

  3. M. Kha, Degenerate Band Edges in Maximal Abelian Coverings of Quantum Graphs (submitted)

  4. M. Lanius, Symplectic, Poisson, and contact geometry on scattering manifolds, Pacific Journal of Mathematics (accepted for publication).

  5. Y. Liu, B-scaling, a novel nonparametric data fusion method, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (submitted)

  6. Y. Liu, A Model-free Variable Screening Method Based on Leverage Score, Journal of the American Statistical Association (submitted)

  7. Y. Liu, A novel non-linear dimension reduction approach to infer population structure for low-coverage sequencing data, BMC Bioinformatics (submitted)

  8. Y. Liu, EDGE: Ensemble Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Gene Extraction for Single-cell RNA-seq Data, Nature Communications (submitted)

  9. Y. Moon, Extending p-Divisible Groups and Barsotti-Tate Deformation Ring in the Relative Case, to appear in International Mathematics Research Notices. arXiv:1808.01580v2.

  10. Y. Moon, Relative crystalline representations and p-divisible groups in the small ramification case, to appear in Algebra & Number Theory.

  11. E. Rosu and D.Yott, Generating series of a new class of orthogonal Shimura varieties, arXiv:1812.05183v3

  12. E. Rosu, Central values of L-functions of cubic twists, arXiv:1711.03200v2


  1. J. Booher, Minimally Ramified Deformations, Compositio Mathematica (2019).

  2. J. Booher, Producing Geometric Deformations of Orthogonal and Symplectic Galois Representations, Journal of Number Theory (2019).

  3. C. Brooke, A. Farrell, R. Ke, K. Koelle, Within-Host infectious Disease models Accommodating Cellular Coinfection, with an Application to Influenza. 5(2), (2019). DOI:

  4. J. Cushing and A. Farrell, A Bifurcation Theorem for Nonlinear Matrix Models of Population Dynamics, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25-44 (2019).

  5. N. Fider and Natalia Komarova, Differences in Color Categorization Manifested by Males and Females: A Quantitative World Color Survey Study, Palgrave Communications, 5(1), 1-10 (2019).

  6. A. Aldroubi, K. Hamm, A. B. Koku, and A. Sekmen, CUR Decompositions, Similarity Matrices, and Subspace Clustering, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics — Mathematics of Computation and Data Science Section, Vol. 4, Article 65 , 1-16 (2019).

  7. K. Hamm and J. Ledford, Regular Families of Kernels for Nonlinear Approximation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 475, 1317-1340 (2019).

  8. K. Hamm, On the Gibbs–Wilbraham Phenomenon for Sampling and Interpolatory Series, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, arXiv:1903.06698v1 (2019).

  9. R. Ahmed, K. Hamm, M. J. Latifi Jebelli, S. Kobourov, F. Sahneh, and R. Spence, A General Framework for Multi-level Subsetwise Graph Sparsifiers, Algorithmica (submitted).

  10. R. Ahmed, K. Hamm, M. J. Latifi Jebelli, S. Kobourov, F. Sahneh, and R. Spence, Approximation Algorithms and an Integer Program for Multi-Level Graph Spanners, Proceedings of the Special Event on Analysis of Experimental Algorithms 2019, Kalamata, Greece, arXiv:1904.01135v1 (2019).

  11. R. Ahmed, G. Bodwin, K. Hamm, M. J. Latifi Jebelli, S. Kobourov, F. Sahneh, and R. Spence, Graph spanners: A tutorial review, arXiv:1909.03152

  12. K. Hamm, B. Hayes, and A. Petrosyan, Rearranged Fourier Series and Generalizations to Non–Commutative Groups, 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2019), Bordeaux, France, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SampTA45681.2019.9030904.

  13. K. Hamm and L.-X Huang, On Column-Row Matrix Approximations, 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2019), Bordeaux, France, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SampTA45681.2019.9030888.

  14. K. Hamm and L.-X. Huang, Perspectives on CUR Decompositions, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, arXiv:1907.12668v2 (2019).

  15. K. Hamm, B. Hayes, and A. Petrosyan, An Operator Theoretic Approach to the Convergence of Rearranged Fourier Series, Journal d’Analyse Mathématique, arXiv:1809.08217v2 (2019).

  16. K. Hamm, Regular Families of Kernels for Nonlinear Approximation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 475 arXiv:1606.06676v3 (2019).

  17. K. Hamm, Perturbations of CUR Decomposition, SIAM Matrix Analysis and Applications (submitted).

  18. H.Chen, V. Huroyan, Y. Lu, R.Maciejewski, S.Kobourov, and U.Soni, (n.d.). Same Stats, Different Graphs (Graph Statistics and Why We Need Graph Drawings). arXiv:1808.09913v5 (2019).

  19. V. Huroyan, Gilad Lerman, & Hau-Tieng Wu. (n.d.). Solving Jigsaw Puzzles By the Graph Connection Laplacian. arXiv:1811.03188v4 (2019).

  20. T. Jones, and Q. Sheng, Asymptotic stability of a dual-scaled compact method for approximating highly oscillatory Helmholtz solutions, Journal of Computational Physics. 392(1), 401-418 (2019).

  21. M. Lanius, C. Merriman, and S. Sisneros-Thiry, Make a Difference This Summer, Notices of the AMS. 66, 699-701 (2019).

  22. M. Lanius, A classification of star log symplectic structures on a compact oriented surface, Journal of Symplectic Geometry (2019).

  23. M. Lanius, A Taste of Discretized Differential Geometry, MAA book project: Research Connections (revised & resubmitted).

  24. N.Deshmukh, A.Hogadi., and S.Mathur, Quasi-affineness and the 1-Resolution Property. IMRN (2019)

  25. R.Navarrete, & D.Viswanath, Delay Embedding of Periodic Orbits Using a Fixed Observation Function. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1–9 (2019).

  26. H. Adams, M. Aminian, E. Farnell, M.Kirby, C.Peterson, J. Mirth, R. Neville, P. Shipman, and C. Shonkwiler, A fractal dimension for measures via persistent homology, Abel Symposium, arXiv:1808.01079v4

  27. J.Niu, & A. Zinger, Lower bounds for enumerative counts of positive-genus real curves. Advances in Mathematics, 57 (2019).

  28. A.Lorent, G.Peng, Null Lagrangian Measures in Subspaces, Compensated Compactness and Conservation Laws. Arch Rational Mech Anal, 234, 857–910 (2019).

  29. S. Moon, F. Sahneh, C. Scoglio, Generalized group-based epidemic model for spreading processes on networks: GgroupEM, arXiv:1908.06057

  30. R. Ahmed, P. Angelini, F. Sahneh, A. Efrat, D. Glickenstein, M. Gronemann, N. Heinsohn, S. Kobourov, R. Spence, J. Watkins, and A. Wolff, Multi-level Steiner Trees, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics,

  31. J.Xue, On Hydrodynamic Limits of Young Diagrams, Elec. J. Probab. (accepted)

  32. J.Xue, On Entropy Minimization and Convergence, Journal of Statistical Physics, arXiv:1903.00811v2


  1. H. Abdul-Rahman, Entanglement of a class of non-Gaussian states in disordered harmonic oscillator systems, Journal of Mathematical Physics. 59, 031904 (2018).

  2. H. Abdul-Rahman, R. Sims, and G. Stolz, Correlations in disordered quantum harmonic oscillator systems: The effects of excitations and quantum quenches, Contemporary Mathematics: Mathematical problems in quantum physics, arXiv:1704.04841v2 (2018).

  3. J. Birrell, J. Wehr, Homogenization of Dissipative, Noisy, Hamiltonian Dynamics, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 128, 2367-240 (2018). DOI:

  4. J. Birrell, J. Wehr, Phase Space Homogenization of Noisy Hamiltonian Dynamics, Annales Henri Poincaré 19, 1081-1114 (2018).

  5. J. Birrell, J. Wehr, A homogenization theorem for Langevin systems with an application to Hamiltonian dynamics, arXiv: 1707.02884v2, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (2018).

  6. J. Birrell, Entropy Anomaly in Langevin-Kramers Dynamics with a Temperature Gradient, Matrix Drag, and Magnetic Field, arXiv:1709.06981v2, submitted to J. Stat. Phys. (2018).

  7. J. Booher and S. Patrikis, G-Valued Galois Deformation Rings when l ≠ p, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 26, No. 4 (2019), pp. 973-990, arXiv:1708.07434v2 (2018).

  8. J. Booher and B. Cais, a-Numbers in Artin-Schreier Covers (submitted).

  9. P. Carter and B. Sandstede, Unpeeling a homoclinic banana in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. 17, 236-349 (2018).

  10. T. Aougab, M. Beck, P. Carter, S. Desai, B. Sandstede, M. Stadt, A. Wheeler, Isolas versus snaking of localized rolls, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (at press).

  11. P. Carter & A. Doelman. Traveling stripes in the Klausmeier model of vegetation pattern formation. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 78, 3213-3237 (2018). DOI: 10.1137/18M1196996

  12. P. Carter, & A. Scheel. Wave train selection by invasion fronts in the FitzHugh--Nagumo equation. Nonlinearity. 31, 5536–5572 (2018).

  13. S. Cho, The Basic Locus of the Unitary Shimura Variety with Parahoric Level Structure, and Special Cycle, arXiv:1807.09997v1 (2018).

  14. N. Do, L. Kunyansky, Theoretically exact photoacoustic reconstruction from spatially and temporally reduced data, Inverse Problems. 34, 094004 (2018). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/aacfac

  15. J. Craig & L. Guzmán, Six propositions of a social theory of numeracy: Interpreting an influential theory of literacy, Numeracy, 11(2), Article 2 (2018).

  16. L.D. Guzmán, Using concept maps in teacher education: Building connections among multiple mathematical knowledge bases and assessing mathematical understanding, in T. Bartell (Ed.), Toward Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education (pp. 287-307), Springer, 2018.

  17. R. Mehta, & L.D. Guzmán, Fake or visual trickery? Quantitative visual rhetoric for social justice and media literacy, to appear in a Special Issue of the Journal of Media Literacy Education: “Media Literacy, Fake News & Democracy,” J. Stoddard, D. Krutka, & L. Mason (Editors, special issue), in press.

  18. L.D. Guzmán, Academia will not save you: Stories of being continually “underrepresented,” to appear in Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (in press).

  19. A.I. Lamar, & L.D. Guzmán, Conocimientos míos: Engaging possibilities for school curriculum, in T.R. Berry, C. Kalinec-Craig, & M. Rodriguez (Eds.), Latinx Curriculum Theorizing, Lexington Books, (in press).

  20. J. Craig, L. Guzmán, & F. Harper, Quantitative literacy scholarship from individualist, collectivist, and activist perspectives, in V. Piercey, G. Karaali, & L. Tunstall (Eds.), Shifting Contexts, Stable Core: Advancing Quantitative Literacy in Higher Education (pp. 211-218). Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, (in press).

  21. L.D. Guzmán, Complex and contradictory conversations: Prospective teachers interrogating dominant narratives within mathematics education discourse, to appear in Mathematics Teacher Educator, (accepted, pending revisions).

  22. V. Huroyan and G.Lerman, Distributed Robust Subspace Recovery, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 40(5), (2019)

  23. M.Kha, Green's function asymptotics of periodic elliptic operators on abelian coverings of compact manifolds, Journal of Functional Analysis (2018).

  24. A. Gillette, T. Kloefkorn, Trimmed serendipity finite element differential forms. Mathematics of Computation (to appear).

  25. M. Lanius. A classification of star log symplectic structures on a compact oriented surface. Journal of Symplectic Geometry. (2018).

  26. A. Lorent, G. Peng, Null Lagrangian measures in planes, compensated compactness and conservation laws. arXiv:1801.02912v3 (2018).

  27. P.Korman, & G.Peng, Bounded solutions for a class of Hamiltonian systems. Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ., (81), 1–7 (2018).

  28. P.Bauman, & G.Peng, Analysis of Minimizers of the Lawrence-Doniach Energy for Superconductors in Applied Fields. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B. (2018)

  29. F. C. Motta., R. Neville, P. D. Shipman, D. A. Pearson, R. M. Bradley. Measures of order for nearly hexagonal lattices. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2018.05.005

  30. C. Betancourt, M. Chalifour, R. Neville, M. Pietrosanu, M. Tsuruga, I. Darcy, and G. Heo. Pseudo-Multidimensional Persistence and Its Applications. Research in Computational Topology. (eds. E. Chambers, B. Fasy, L. Ziegelmeier), Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 13. Springer, 179-202 (2018). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-89593-2_10

  31. R. Neville, P. D. Shipman, N. E. Levinger, A. T. Krummel, ConfChem Conference on Mathematics in Undergraduate Chemistry Instruction: Applied Mathematics for Chemistry Majors, Journal of Chemical Education 95, 1438-1439 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00107

  32. J. Taylor, Action of Automorphisms on Irreducible Characters of Symplectic Groups, J. Algebra 505, 211-246 (2018).

  33. J. Taylor, On The Mackey Formula for Connected Centre Groups, J. Group Theory 21, 439-448 (2018).

  34. J. Taylor and A. A. Schaeffer Fry, On self-normalising Sylow 2-subgroups in type A, J. Lie Theory 28, 139-168 (2018).

  35. J. Taylor and A. A. Schaeffer Fry, Principal 2-Blocks and Sylow 2-Subgroups, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 50, 733-744 (2018).

  36. J. Taylor, The structure of root data and smooth regular embeddings of reductive groups, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 62 (2019), no. 2, 523-552, arXiv:1710.05516v2 (2018).

  37. J. Taylor and P. H. Tiep, Lusztig induction, unipotent supports, and character bounds, arXiv:1809.00173v (2018).

  38. Maria-Veronica Ciocanel, Tracy L. Stepien, Ioannis Sgouralis, and Anita T. Layton, A multi-cellular vascular model of the renal myogenic response, Processes 6, 89 (2018). DOI: 10.3390/pr6070089.

  39. Tracy L. Stepien, Erica M. Rutter, and Yang Kuang, Traveling waves of a Go-or-Grow model of glioma growth, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 78, 1778-1801 (2018). DOI: 10.1137/17M1146257.

  40. J. Xue, On Hydrodynamic Limits of Young Diagrams, Communications in Mathematical Physics (submitted)

  41. B. Nachtergaele, R. Sims, and A. Young, Lieb-Robinson bounds, the spectral flow, and stability of the spectral gap for lattice fermion systems, Contribution for the proceedings of QMath13: Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, Atlanta, October 8-11 2016 (2018).


  1. H. Abdul-Rahman, B. Nachtergaele, R. Sims, and G. Stolz, Localization Properties of the XY Spin Chain: A review of mathematical results with an eye toward Many-Body Localization, Annalen der Physik 529, 1600280 (2017).

  2. J. Birrell, S. Hottovy, G. Volpe, J. Wehr, Small mass limit of a Langevin equation on a manifold, Annales Henri Poincaré 18, 707-755 (2017).

  3. C. Xia, C. Cochrane, J. DeGuire, G. Fan, E. Holmes, M. McGuirl, P. Murphy, J. Palmer, P. Carter, L. Slivinski, and B. Sandstede, Assimilating Eulerian and Lagrangian data in traffic-flow models, Physica D 346, 59-72 (2017).

  4. P. Carter, E. Knobloch, and M. Wechselberger, Transonic canards and stellar wind, Nonlinearity 30, 1006-1033 (2017).

  5. Ngoc T. Do, Peter Kuchment, and Beng-Seng Ong, On resonant spectral gap opening in quantum graph networks, Functional Analysis and Operator Theory for Quantum Physics, pp. 213 - 222, European Mathematical Society, 2017.

  6. G. Jaramillo, A. Scheel, Q. Wu, The effect of impurities on striped phases. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics 149 (2019) 131-168.

  7. M. Borghese, R. Jenkins, K. McLaughlin, Long time asymptotic behavior of the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire, 38 pages (Accepted).

  8. R. Buckingham, R. Jenkins, and P. Miller, Semiclassical Soliton Ensembles for the Three-Wave Resonant Interaction Equations, Comm. Math. Phys. 354, 1015 - 1100 (2017) DOI: 10.1007/s00220-017-2897-7.

  9. M.Kha, Green's function asymptotics of periodic elliptic operators on abelian coverings of compact manifolds, Journal of Functional Analysis (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2017.10.016

  10. M.Kha, P. Kuchment, A. Raich, Green's function asymptotics near the internal edges of spectra of periodic elliptic operators. Spectral gap interior, Journal of Spectral Theory (in press, 2017).

  11. Tyler Kloefkorn, Weakly Cohen-Macaulay posets and a class of finite-dimensional graded quadratic algebras, Journal of Algebra 487, 138-160 (2017).

  12. Lidia Mrad and Daniel Phillips, Dynamic analysis of chevron structures in liquid crystal cells, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 647, 66-91 (2017).

  13. Erica M. Rutter, Tracy L. Stepien, Barrett J. Anderies, Jonathan D. Plasencia, Eric C. Woolf, Adrienne C. Scheck, Gregory H. Turner, Qingwei Liu, David Frakes, Vikram Kodibagkar, Yang Kuang, Mark C. Preul, and Eric J. Kostelich, Mathematical analysis of glioma growth in a murine model, Sci. Rep. 7, 2508 (2017). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02462-0

  14. Maria-Veronica Ciocanel, Tracy L. Stepien, Aurélie Edwards, and Anita T. Layton, Modeling autoregulation of the afferent arteriole of the rat kidney, in Women in Mathematical Biology Research Collaboration Workshop, NIMBioS, Knoxville, June 2015, (eds. Anita T. Layton and Laura A. Miller), Association for Women in Mathematics Series 8, Springer International Publishing, 2017, 75–100, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60304-9_5


  1. P. Carter, B. de Rijk, and B. Sandstede, Stability of traveling pulses with oscillatory tails in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system, Journal of Nonlinear Science 26, 1369-1444 (2016).

  2. D. Holcomb and B. Valko, Overcrowding asymptotics for the Sine_beta process, accepted, AIHP, February 2016.

  3. S. Cuccagna, S. and R. Jenkins, On the asymptotic stability of N-soliton solutions of the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Comm. Math. Phys. 343, 921-969 (2016).

  4. Loretta H. Cheeks, Tracy L. Stepien, Dara M. Wald, and Ashraf Gaffar, Discovering news frames: An approach for exploring text, content, and concepts in online news sources, Int. J. Multimed. Data Eng. Manag. 7, 45–62 (2016). DOI: 10.4018/IJMDEM.2016100103.


  1. D. Holcomb and B. Valko, Large deviations for the Sine_beta and Sch_tau processes, PTRF 163, 339-378 (2015). DOI: 10.1007/s00440-014-0594-4.

  2. R. Jenkins, Regularization of a sharp shock by the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Nonlinearity 28, 2131-2180 (2015).

  3. Tyler Kloefkorn, Brad Shelton, Splitting Algebras: Koszul, Cohen-Macaulay and Numerically Koszul, Journal of Algebra 422C, 660-685 (2015).