Funding request form: to be filled out to request funding for travel to conferences or to support visitors, undergraduates working with you, etc. Please note that for travel budget increases, there is a strong expectation that you should pursue external funding sources before you ask the Department for additional support.
Postdocs may use their start-up funds and request additional funding for equipment purchases (books that are not available in electronic format, software licenses, laptops, printers, etc). Any item purchased in this manner will remain the property of the University of Arizona and will have to be returned to the Department of Mathematics at the end of the postdoc's employment period. Please use the above form for such requests: make sure to provide specific information about the proposed purchase and upload a detailed budget. The library already provides access to many e-books. You may request a purchase or contact our library liaison, Jim Martin, if you need an e-book that the library does not have.Classroom visit form: to be filled out by mentors after visiting their mentee's classes.
Teaching and outreach plan: to be filled out by each postdoc in consultation with their mentor.