Applying for Jobs
This page provides links to various online advice for postdocs/junior academics on the job market. We also list various job posting sites maintained by mathematical societies.
Application materials - academic careers
Resources for job applicants: Faculty willing to share examples of successful research, teaching, and diversity statements, or to provide feedback on your application materials [Only available within the Math network]
Information on diversity statements [Only available within the Math network]
Sample Materials for Faculty Positions, from UC San Francisco
Valuing and Evaluating Teaching in the Mathematics Faculty Hiring Process, by Derek Bruff
Passion: Your secret weapon for job search success, by David G. Jensen
Words of Wisdom [to postdocs] from a New Assistant Professor, by Kristie Nybo
How to Write a Statement of Teaching Philosophy, by By Gabriela Montell
Non-academic careers
How to transform your academic CV into a resumé tailored for a specific job application [Only available within the Math network]. We are grateful to Melinda Lanius for compiling this information.
Medical Mathematics Outside of Math Departments by Helen Moore
The links below point to videos posted on the UArizona Postdoctoral Affairs site
Academic job postings
Mathjobs provided by AMS
Jobs in Europe provided by the European Commission
Job search
Interested in Applying to a Liberal Arts Institution?: Perspectives from Reva Kasman, Julie Rana, and Chad Topaz, by Linda Chen
Applying the 80-20 rule to your job search, by David G. Jensen
Fifteen to one: how many applications it can take to land a single academic job offer, by Nina Notman & Chris Woolston
Choosing the nontenure track, by Amar M. Singh
What to consider when you’re thinking about jobs, by Maggie Kuo
Postdocs, put your best foot forward for industry jobs, by David G. Jensen
Anatomy of a Job Ad, by Julia McAnallen
4 Tips on Applying for Jobs Outside of Academe, by Ben Dumbauld
Resources from BIG Math Network to prepare for BIG (Business, Industry, Government) jobs
What to do, and when, if you are applying for both academic and industry positions, by Jennifer S. Furlong and Stacy M. Hartman
Ace your video interview, by David G. Jensen
The two most critical elements of interview day, by David G. Jensen
STEM Faculty Launch Workshop at WPI